CONVERSATIONs WITH our 2018-19 flowchart artists:
Jon McCurley
Kate Nankervis & Ann Trépanier
Nikola Steer
Jasmyn Fyffe & Alicia Nautu
Oliver Husain & Anni Spadafora
Carol Anderson
Lara Kramer
Sarah Aiken
About Flowchart
Flowchart is a series of multidisciplinary performance presenting short works by artists engaging with the choreographic from the perspective of multiple fields; work which pays attention to organizing movement in space and having it be affected by/also itself affect time. By contextualizing non-dance works within and alongside the choreographic, an engagement with these ideas becomes newly visible. Flowchart is interested in works that centralize the body and offers a curiosity about what happens to non-dance works when they are presented in the scope of a field that inevitably does so.
Flowchart encourages artists to approach their process in a way that is new to them, and offers a platform for experimentation.
Flowchart began as a studio series in 2014 and has grown into a robust recurring series, now housed at Dancemakers, offering a critically needed resourced and supported presentation platform for artists.